Get to Know your Customers Day: 2020 Edition
July 20 2020Last Thursday was the quarterly Get to Know Your Customers Day. If you’ve been following Kingsgate for a while, you know our customers always come first. We still have two of our first customers on which we were founded. Kingsgate has been able to maintain long-lasting relationships with clients because we commit to our customers the way we want them to commit to us. Ask our customers about Kingsgate, they will tell you: we keep our word, we do what we say we will do.
In an industry where constant turnover is the norm, Kingsgate is proud to be the outlier. The relationships formed with our customers over the past 33+ years have been a blessing to our business. I believe this feeling is reciprocated (or we wouldn’t still be in business with our two original customers). We’ve been able to provide our customers with superior service despite global pandemics, leadership transitions, recessions, changes in management and the ebbs and flows of the industry we work in. We have not only been able to keep our customers through these times, but have also been able to grow our relationships with them.
I would be doing a disservice to our team if I failed to recognize their efforts in getting to know our customers. Kingsgate wouldn’t be able to build strong bonds with clients if it weren’t for our team. The Kingsgate Family is integral in initiating, fostering and growing so many relationships with our clients. They work each and every day to make Kingsgate customers feel like an extension of the family while getting freight shipped!
I love that Get to Know Your Customers Day is quarterly because it provides me with a consistent opportunity to sit back and reflect on how fortunate we truly are. With all everyone has been through in the past year, I’m even more grateful for our customers who have trusted us with such a pivotal role in keeping their businesses moving. Quite honestly, one of the big things that motivates me in the morning are the professional relationships I’ve built over the years. I am certain these bonds, forged over many years, will last beyond my professional career. Today goes out to our past, current and future customers… this one’s for you!
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham