December 10 2018A leader is defined as the person who leads or commands an organization or company that is the most advanced or successful in a particular area. However, a good leader is so much more than that; they are able to inspire and motivate a team. They lead by example, they teach you why and how to do something – instead of telling you what to do. Leaders stimulate and encourage their teams to be leaders themselves which builds a supportive work environment.
At the core, a leader’s main train is the ability to be there for their team and remain focused on the situation while being supportive and understanding. True leaders care as much about their people as they do their business. They lead by:
L – learning
A leader sees their team as a source of knowledge. They look to learn from others and not just teach them, because they are always looking for ways to improve themselves as well as their team.
E – encouraging
They push for excellence by valuing people’s input, giving credit for a job well done and generating enthusiasm. More importantly, they encourage their team by leading by example and sharing in the team’s struggles.
A – asking
Leaders listen more than they talk and ask for feedback from their team because they understand there is always room for improvement! Instead of commanding results, they ask to make sure their team has the right resources and assist with getting their team to achieve top results.
D – developing
A leader is consistently looking for ways to make improvements and develop their team so they can create success for themselves and the team as a whole. They look to coach, to give advice and to inspire their team by focusing on their strengths.
To truly develop and grow a team you need to be a leader and not just a boss.
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham