October 01 2018

Although the fall season started a few weeks ago, October 1st is when the summer season truly starts to fade and we get ready to transition into a new season. Switching out of summer mode and back into full work mode as less PTO is taken and everyone is back on the roads making commutes longer. Seasonal transitions bring about the chance to re-assess and take stock of your goals.

To help everyone transition I wanted to share some tips for a smooth change into fall.


Transitions are always great for getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. Take the time to organize your desk, your schedule and your goals. Plan and strategize for the rest of the year and ensure you use the last three months of 2018 efficiently. Ask yourself what needs to be focused on and what needs to happen so those goals are achieved.


Season transitions tend to bring around sickness, in the fall cold and flu season ramp-up. Make sure you’re taking extra steps to stay healthy throughout the season by washing your hands, sanitizing your workspace and staying home if you feel sick. Kingsgate has already had its share of employees out sick and is providing flu shots in the office to help ensure our employees are covered as flu season kicks off.


As the seasons change, especially in logistics, it’s important to prepare for the change in the market. Before moving on to new opportunities, use this time to follow-up on all your pending/potential opportunities from earlier in the year. Perhaps now is a better time for the customer to move forward. In addition, take some time to reach out to top clients and ensure they are happy with your services before the end of the year.

Transitions are always a great time to reflect on areas for improvement. Slow-down to assess and prepare for more efficient and effective work. What tips do you suggest for the end of summer and beginning of fall?


All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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