July 25 2016

Last week, we discussed the importance of trucking in both our daily lives and the U.S. economy. As I wrote that post, I started to think about Kingsgate’s own dispatch team and the shipments they are responsible for moving day to day. I sat down with two of our dedicated dispatchers and asked them about the impact of their own job:

1. How long have you worked for Kingsgate?

Kingsgate’s dispatch team hard at work

Nick L: Two years in late August 2016

Melissa B: 8 months

2. How would you describe what the Dispatch Team does? Why is it important?

Nick L: The dispatch team is responsible for a variety of tasks. We handle the largest customers for Kingsgate. We work in different teams to coordinate their freight and handle customer issues. It is highly important because without dispatch there is no teeth to what we are selling to the customer. Without the dispatch team, we would not be able to back up what we promise.

Melissa B: My team helps manage the supply chain for a food production facility. Including, but not limited to, monitoring availability of product, ensuring it arrives in a timely manner, securing reliable transportation for said product and close monitoring of transport and delivery, and aid in communication between customer and their vendors to keep production schedule accurate. If necessary, we adjust this in time with product arrival so as not to slow down production. This is very important for our account in particular, because it’s integral in maintaining a profitable business.

3. What type of shipments are you responsible for moving?

Nick L: We are responsible for moving truckload and less-than-truckload shipments.

Melissa B: Mostly food items; From ingredients moving to the plant to produce meals for the military, to the finished product that leaves the plant and delivers to various military installations across the United States.

4. Will you give an example of what would happen if the shipments you move didn’t get shipped or didn’t arrive on time?

Nick L:  If a shipment is missed or late, there can be a number of consequences. The biggest issues we face are on late shipments, which cause a chain reaction of issues. If a shipment is late and a production line shuts down, then our customer is paying employees to sit around until the truck shows up. That in turns slows down their ability to turn out product for their customer, which can decrease the shelf life of the product and / or put our customer in an unfavorable spot with their customers. This could mean loss of business or fines.

Melissa B: Missing even one delivery can have a ripple effect felt by hundreds of people. In some cases, even thousands. For example, one missed delivery of cheese arriving at the plant for production could shut the plant down costing the company money for paid employees waiting. This could also therefore impact their military customer on the receiving end waiting for the finished meals. In some instances, an entire platoon could be waiting for a meal delivery needed for a particular day. Plans and schedules are made around these food items, and the delivery times of these items are utmost always.

5. Do you feel your job is purposeful?

Nick L:  Yes, I feel my job is purposeful. What we coordinate from day to day has a huge effect on people’s daily lives. Our timeliness can affect people’s jobs, food supplies, and our customer’s bottom line. While at times it can seem insignificant, the big picture is that one small mistake or mess up in the supply chain can set of a very large negative chain of reaction. Kingsgate and the dispatch team has established a reputation (and backed it up) that we will do everything within our power to keep things running smooth while maintaining savings for the customer.

Melissa B: This is a very important job. Keeping freight moving keeps the earth turning (metaphorically). This job in logistics (even more metaphorically) is somewhat akin to turning the gears of a big giant machine that is what so many depend upon though very few know the workings. Sometimes the gears will break down, need grease, and require maintenance. And it’s up to us in logistics to keep it moving smoothly so no one continues to notice how easy we make their lives.

At Kingsgate, we’re so proud of our dispatch team and how they truly understand the importance of their role in the transportation industry. Our dispatchers help keep freight and America moving. If you are interested in a career in third-party logistics, Kingsgate is hiring – see more details here.


All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

Kingsgate Logistics

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