June 20 2016

Every morning, without fail, the alarm seems to go off too early. Going to work in an exhausted grog isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. However, going to a job you enjoy and being surrounded by people who support you makes the morning a little easier. Here are five things that help us, at Kingsgate, look forward to getting to work:

Supportive Co-workers

  • The first reason to like your job is enjoying the people you spend 8 hours a day with. At the end of a work week, you’ve spent more time with your co-workers than you have with your actual family – having a supportive “work- family” in your corner helps rally you on bad days and applaud you during the good days.

Invested Mentors

  • Managers who are invested in your professional and personal growth are vital to a work environment where you feel appreciated. These managers serve as your mentors; they give you flexibility, new opportunities and autonomous work, trusting you and your abilities. Doing your job and doing it well deserves recognition. When management values and encourages you, employees want to work harder.

Company Work Culture

  • The two prior points are important to enjoying day to day work life, but companies who make investments in the happiness of their employees keep work from becoming mundane. The best companies add perks and a sense of camaraderie to keep work interesting! They provide fun work spaces and relaxing places to take a mental break from the hectic workday. Find a company that has a fun work environment, celebrates special days and finds new ways to say thank you to their employees.

Challenging & Purposeful Work

  • Knowing that both you and your job matter is crucial to feeling rewarded in your career. Your work may not be saving the world, but it’s important to know when you do your job, you are helping someone or having a positive impact on others. Furthermore, your work challenges you to grow, learn and improve. You feel accomplished at the end of a work week knowing you’ve made an impact and pushed yourself to grow

Enjoying your Job

  • This is the most difficult. Yes, having great co-workers, mentors, a fun company culture and challenging work is great. It certainly makes working better. But are you motivated by the work you do? Careers with variety, that utilize your personal strengths, push you better yourself. Enjoying your work incites a personal passion that yields the most reward.


Ultimately, waking up, clumsy morning routines and a work commutes won’t ever be the part of the week people enjoy. What matters is what happens after you drink your cup (or cups) of coffee and settle into your desk.

Why do you love your job?

All the best,

Jeff Beckham, Partner

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