The Four Best Things You Can Do on Monday
January 18 2021We are only 18 days into the new year and already so much has transpired as the world’s kept turning. January always feels like such a long month – coming off the hustle and bustle from the holidays, new year’s celebrations and the close/start to a year. The start of January is overflowing with motivation, resolutions, hope for a new start, etc. – but by this time, motivation often fades away. According to the New York Post, “before the first month of the year has even come to an end, most people have given up on their annual commitment to themselves.” Then, by February 80% of people have dropped their resolutions and goals altogether.
Now, this post isn’t just how to get back on your resolutions but giving you simple things to do at the start of each workweek that will help you refocus and recenter for a successful week.
- Ask yourself why and what? | Why: why you made these goals, why you want to make the change, why accomplishing things matters? Then, what: what you need to do to achieve your goals or tasks that need to get completed? What is stopping you? What is your plan?
- Have a glass of water and plan. | Per the last question, make yourself a plan for the week to help yourself stay on track and, while you’re planning, drink some water. When in doubt, always drink some water. 75% of Americans are dehydrated and there are so many benefits to just simply drinking water.
- Move your body and pick a playlist. | Before you officially start your week, make sure to get your body moving. We spend at a minimum around 35-40 hours sitting for work and getting even a small amount of exercise will help start your day and week. So, pick out a playlist and take a walk, run, lift, box, whatever gets you moving.
- Get started with confidence. | You’ve done the prep work – you’ve reassessed why and what you’re working on, you’ve prepped, planned, had your water and you’ve done some movement with your favorite music. Now, it’s time to do the most important step and get started with confidence.
It’s important to remind yourself and remember, we all have off days or weeks, we’ve all fallen off the metaphorical wagon before, but the difference between the successful and unsuccessful is whether or not you consistently get back up and try again. When it comes to reaching your goals, it’s not about how many times you falter, it’s about how many times you return and triumph.
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham