National Have Fun at Work Day – Virtual Edition

January 25 2021

This Thursday, January 28th, is #NationalHaveFunAtWorkDay! Back in 2019, I wrote this blog when this national day fell on a Monday, but with the world going digital I wanted to share how Kingsgate still has fun at work regardless of whether we’re in the office or staying connected online. One thing I mentioned in my 2019 blog is the one thing I miss most about not being in the office… I said, “When you walk through Kingsgate’s office, you’re likely to hear the typical office noises: typing on keyboards, talking, phones ringing; but there’s also laughter.” I miss all of those office sounds, but mainly the laughter and the Kingsgate Family working together to reach our goals. I guess the cliché is true – you never know what you’ve got till it’s gone!

On a lighter note, the Kingsgate Family has still stayed connected using our internal intranet (Connect). I’ve mentioned Connect in previous blogs but over the past year it’s been our way of staying-in touch with each other. Here are some of the ways we have fun and stay connected:


In 2020 and now continuing in 2021, we’ve ramped up our company shoutouts. From promotions, to big wins or saves, to birthdays, to our monthly Restless Rewards – our team gets acknowledgement for all the hard work they do!


Our typical week long of “minute-to-win-it” style games went out the window with COVID-19 and social distancing in mind, so our Marketing and Communications Department pivoted this year and made Spirit Week completely virtual! Each day was a different game and spirit week theme. Themes varied from Team Tuesday, Denim Day, Tropical Thursday, etc. The creativity of our team is always fun (and often funny) to see!

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In addition, we still celebrated many national days, the winter holiday season and had tons of other fun on Connect! #NationalCoffeeDay, #UglyChristmasSweaterDay, #WearYourPajamasToWorkDay – you name it, we celebrated it. We love our team and love that they so wholeheartedly embrace what #KeepingItKingsgate means.

Here’s to more fun with the Kingsgate Family and hopefully having our whole team together soon enough.

All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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