May 14 2018Yesterday, May 13th, was Mother’s Day and the Beckham/ Barnett family spent the day with our mom, Merry. We all gathered for a Sunday brunch and then went to get our hands dirty planting flowers for her. Yesterday was a nice sunny day to spend with family and we reflected on all of the ways our mom supported us over the years. I fondly remember growing up that no matter how many hours she’d worked or how much work my younger siblings had her up to, she never, ever missed a single one of my games – and I played a lot of games from age 5 to 18!
Amy treasures that mom always made sure she had a costume for anything she was involved with, even if mom had to make it herself. Mom was her study partner, and she would stay up as late as Amy needed to help her study. She would even wake extra early if she wanted her hair French braided before school. Amy said,” My mom truly is my hero” when we were reminiscing. David remembers mom always supporting him, even when his decisions “probably weren’t the best.”
For my siblings and I, celebrating Mother’s Day is more than remembering all the things she did for us as we were growing up, it’s a day we remember her contributions to the creation of Kingsgate because frankly without her Kingsgate would not exist.
Our Dad had the connections and industry knowledge, but it was our Mom that gave Dad the confidence to start the company. She practically insisted on it. Dad was very talented, but Mom was the vision and drive behind getting the company up off the ground. She also kept an eye on the books – a tradition that stays today, Amy manages and maintains the accounting side of the business.

Working with my mom was great too, especially in the early days when we were working out of our house on Kingsgate Way. It was like growing up all over again. I used to say Dad and I were the engines – but Mom was the rudder that kept us straight and focused. Although, I’d get in a little hot water when my expense account was higher than she liked! (sorry mom!)
My siblings and I are beyond blessed to have the love and support of our mother and over 30 years later Kingsgate is blessed to have a founder who had the faith and confidence in herself and my father that led to our doors opening.
Thanks, Mom, we wouldn’t be here without you!
Here is a poem Amy wanted me to share that reminds her of our Mom.
Author: unknown
If there is happiness in my heart,
It’s because you helped put it there.
If there is gentleness in my beliefs,
It’s because you shared your wisdom.
If there is a rainbow over my shoulder,
It’s because of your outlook and your vision.
If there is a knowledge that I can reach out-
And I really can make some dreams come true-
It’s because I learned from the best teacher of all…
… I learned from you. (my mom, my best friend Merry Beckham)
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham