December 04 2017Throughout the Holidays there are a million things to do: shopping, decorating, work and family parties… just to name a few. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of what’s on your to-do list and rush out of work when the clock hits 5, but taking time to give back to those you work with can make coming into work that much better.
Here are 10 simple ways to give in your office this month:
- Surprise your co-worker with coffee, candy or a small gift.
- Give a genuine to compliment to someone outside your department.
- Bring in treats into the office to share.
- Write a hand-written note or email to someone who mentored you.
- Call a customer to thank them for their business.
- Walk around the office and tell everyone “Good Morning.”
- Buy a book for a co-worker and write your best lesson of business on the first page.
- Clean or straighten up a shared space in the office.
- Offer to pick-up lunch or a coffee for a co-worker.
- Look for ways to help out a co-worker when they seem stressed.
At Kingsgate, we constantly try to create a culture of connectivity and reward the employees that embody this culture and make Kingsgate a better place to work. During December, we encourage you to look for ways to help the people you work with every day because, when you give time, money or acts of kindness you create a positive environment that elicits giving that goes beyond your office walls.
How does your company spread holiday cheer and give back?
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham