December 11 2017If you follow Kingsgate on social media we often post about the importance of customer service. We discuss the pride we have in retaining two of the customers we were founded on over 30 years ago and market the “Customer-Centric Service” that keeps our customers coming back. Customer Service isn’t always easy, but there are skills you can master to make your service seem effortless.
Here are four effortless ways to improve your customer service skills:
1. Listen, really listen.
You’d be surprised how often sales representatives don’t take the time to listen to their customers. It’s a simple technique, but before trying to sell to them or fix their problem, let them tell you what they need. There are often instances where a customer is reaching out for support because they are simply confused or frustrated and they need a listening ear to just hear them out.
2. Be open to learning.
Bill Gates once said, “your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Whether your customers are happy with you and your company or extremely unhappy, you have an opportunity to learn something. If you listen to their feedback you will find a way to improve or continue developing.
3. Above and beyond mentality.
Implementing a great work ethic and a determination to do what needs to be done to help a customer will give you the front-line service people are starting to expect. This tenacious mentality is not always easy to have, but understanding your customers will appreciate your work to “go the extra mile” and it will have a huge impact on their experience with you makes it worth it.
4. “Stop selling and start helping.”
This Zig Ziglar quote is a lesson all sales people should commit to memory. Yes, in sales your ultimate goal is to make the sale, but a good sales person believes in how their product or service can help their customer. Jay Baer, a top-rated marketing blogger, elaborated on Ziglar’s phrase saying, “selling brings you a customer today, but being helpful creates a customer for life.” By helping your customers, you will simultaneously practice all the tips we’ve discussed in this blog, so shift your focus.
What are your tips for customer-service?
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham