November 21 2016

The holiday season arrived before we knew it – I feel like that happens every year. With Thanksgiving (one of my favorite holidays) rapidly approaching, this week’s blog will focus on the importance of expressing gratitude.

While we spend Thanksgiving at home with our family and friends, at Kingsgate, we think of ourselves as a “work family”. Here’s how you can thank your work family this week (and every week):

1. Verbalize your thanks – Skip the quick thank you email. It’s much more meaningful and personal if you take the time out of your day to verbally explain to someone why you’re grateful for
their work.

2. Write a thank you card – It’s an old tradition that isn’t done enough, but writing a thank you card shows that you took the time and consideration to send a personalized thank you.

3. Offer a helping hand – Nothing shows your appreciation for someone like offering to help them with a tricky or complicated project.

4. Do something thoughtful – Bringing someone coffee or a snack or even offering to pick up lunch does more than keep coworkers well fed. These small gestures show that you appreciate the people around you.

5. Hold the door – Helping your co-worker when they enter or leave the building is a small gesture that might change the course of their day.

6. Respect their time and space – If you are late to a meeting, apologize and keep it short to show you respect others’ time. Respect the space of your coworkers by cleaning up after yourself, especially in shared areas.

7. Have a positive attitude – It’s one of the simplest ways to show you are thankful for people’s time and help.

Thanksgiving gives us a chance to look around and take notice of the things for which we’re thankful. Expressing that thanks in a thoughtful way shows your gratitude and motivates the people around you

Happy Thanksgiving!

All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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