September 19 2016

Hi, my name is Hannah Tobin and Jeff has let me take over the Kingsgate blog this week! A little about myself: I have worked at Kingsgate in their marketing department for about 4 months and I am very proud to say I am Kingsgate’s first graduate from their internship program to a full-time position. As I attended a UC career fair last week to recruit potential new members to the Kingsgate team, one question was repeatedly asked – why did you choose Kingsgate? I asked Jeff if I could take over the blog to answer that very question:

1. Because they teach & coach me

From my very first day at Kingsgate, I was given the tools to succeed. I was introduced to everyone in the office and trained on the ins and outs of the transportation industry. One thing I quickly noticed is they always asked and encouraged questions. Since, the energy of my first day this hasn’t stopped. I’ve always felt welcome to approach anyone, from my co-workers to the owners of the company, with any question or comment I may have. My mentors have encouraged me to seek out ways to improve myself as a professional and also help grow their company.

2. Because they trust & believe in me

Kingsgate has given me a lot of real responsibility and have entrusted their company’s brand in my hands. Even as an intern, I wasn’t running around making copies and grabbing coffee but improving my department and challenging myself. They’ve given me the opportunity to essentially create a marketing department. In this venture, I was able to bring my ideas to the table and have them considered, critiqued, improved, approved and then implemented. Kingsgate has the understanding that investing in their employees’ professional development not only helps their employees, but improves the entire company.

3. Because I feel like I make a difference

As a result of Kingsgate’s trust in me, I know my work is important and has meaning. I leave the office seeing the results of my work, which is an awesome feeling. It’s so important to know that my work matters, and that I am part of a bigger picture – I help Kingsgate be a better company and helping them better serve our customers.

4. Because I felt at home

As I said in my post from my second day at Kingsgate – I was loving it. 131 days have passed since and I’m still loving it! That is not only attributed to the three items above but also because the Kingsgate culture is welcoming and fun. We like to call the Kingsgate team the Kingsgate family, partially because it is a family-owned business but (more importantly) because the employees here are like a family. They like to have a good time together, they support each other and know when it’s important to buckle down and get work done. One of the biggest reasons I stayed at Kingsgate is because working here feels like I belong.

In my short time at Kingsgate, I can confidently say I have improved as a professional and an individual. I wouldn’t be here without the support of my co-workers and my managers. They’ve made me excited to learn, driven to succeed and happy to work. You don’t find that in every job!

If you’re interested in a full-time position, an internship or even more information on why Kingsgate is great go visit; you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading,

Hannah Tobin

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