September 12 2016

As you may (or may not) know, yesterday was the start of the American Transportation Association (ATA)’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. The event, September 11-17, is when America honors all professional drivers for their hard work. This week is dedicated to thanking the 3.5 million men and women in the trucking industry, who drive 400 billion miles a year and deliver our goods safely 365 days a year.

We at Kingsgate want to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to the professional truck drivers across the United States. We know the struggles and hardships a life in trucking can bring, but each and every one of you is vital to our livelihoods and our economy. Here’s why we are thanking the nation’s professional drivers (and you should too):

1. Thank you for bringing the goods the American public needs from point A to point B. Without you we couldn’t live our lives the way we do today.

2. Thank you for transporting the food we eat to our grocery stores and restaurants. Without you we, wouldn’t have the food on our tables.

3. Thank you for following safety regulations. Without your careful training and respect for laws, we’d have more accidents on the highway.

4. Thank you for moving healthcare items and medication to our local doctors, pharmacists and hospitals. Without you, we wouldn’t have accessible healthcare.

5. Thank you for learning how to handle the various weather conditions you face while on the road. Without you moving freight 365 days a year, our nation would be impacted severely.

6. Thank you for transporting the nation’s fuel to gas stations. Without you, we couldn’t get to work, the store or anywhere we needed to be. Without truck drivers, we couldn’t utilize cars or other methods of public transportation.

7. Thank you for also moving fuel to airports, train stations and shipping ports. Without you, the entire transportation industry wouldn’t function properly.

8. Thank you for taking up a difficult lifestyle to move America forward. Without you doing your job, we couldn’t do ours – every industry, from manufacturing to retail, runs on the goods your transport.

9. Thank you for being away from your friends and family for extended periods of time. Without your dedication to your work, our economy and lives would be seriously hindered.

10. We want to say an additional thank you to the spouses, kids and friends that support our nations truck drivers. Without your encouragement and understanding, the professional drivers on the road wouldn’t be able to do their jobs.

All around thank you for tackling one of our economy’s most challenging and essential jobs. Our world today couldn’t function without you! Remember to think about and thank truck drivers this week! So, if you are a professional driver reading this, thank you from myself and all of Kingsgate. If you are a dispatcher reading this, thank the carriers you work with every day for their work. If you are a person impacted by any of the things listed above reading this, thank the professional drivers you see at rest stops, out to eat or while on the road.


All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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