September 06 2016

September 6, 2016


It’s the Tuesday after a long weekend… and I’m ready to take the week by storm. In the past, the first day back to work, especially after a long weekend, started on a dreary note.  While taking the time to enjoy a long weekend is always relaxing, returning to work can be dreary and stressful – especially if your weekend hasn’t been utilized correctly. Weekends are for taking the time to unwind and revitalize your productivity. Here’s how to use your weekend to recharge and start the work week with a bang:

Set yourself up for success (on Friday)

As your work week winds down, it’s easy to use Friday as a day to slack a bit – resist the urge. Make that final push to prioritize and complete the tasks on your plate. Then, as hard as it may be, before you leave the office, take 10 minutes to prep for Monday. Clean your desk, write a to do list for following week and write down your overarching goals.

Once you leave work – Don’t think about work

Now that you’ve prepped for next week, leave work at the office. Don’t spend your weekend stressing about work and trying to complete various projects or tasks. If you’re constantly checking in, you won’t get the rest you need to be productive in the following week. There are five work days and two days off; allow yourself to have those two days, you have earned them.

Still get up (somewhat) early & plan your weekend

Too often, our weekends are spent oversleeping and vegging-out on the couch, which is nice but it ends up bogging you down when Monday rolls around. Get a bit of extra sleep, but get out of bed at a reasonable hour. Veg-out, but make a plan to productively utilize your time off; spend time with friends and family, go to the gym or finish a project around the house. Taking time to be with your loved ones or taking time to enhance yourself and your life will energize you and give you a sense of accomplishment to fuel your week ahead.

Relax & recharge

In addition to spending time with others, take a few hours during your weekend for yourself. Clear your head in whatever way suits you best; read a good book, spend time outside or listen to your favorite music. Take time to do something for yourself, give yourself a mental and physical break from the everyday hustle and bustle. When you show back up for work on Monday you’ll be invigorated and ready to work.

Prepare for the week ahead

Get geared up for Monday on Sunday night. People tend to start Monday feeling groggy because they didn’t adequately prep for the start of their week. If you’ve used your weekend to de-stress and accomplish tasks that have been weighing on you, you can better plan the upcoming week. Wake up on Monday morning knowing you’re prepared to handle anything that gets thrown your way.


All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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