August 15 2016

Summer is winding down and school will be back in session in a matter of days. For some students this means wrapping up summer internships, and for some, looking for more ways to gain internship credits and industry experience. Internships are the best way to gain career experience and apply your schooling in a business setting. While summer internships tend to be the most popular, there are opportunities at every stage of college that could lead to a job upon graduation. This summer has been the first year Kingsgate has launched a full-on internship program. After speaking with several of the interns here, they’ve helped compile 10 tips on finding and succeeding in your dream internship.

Landing your dream internship:

1. Start early – get career experience as early as possibleWAYS TO FILE (1)

It’s never too early to start applying or interning. Use your college classes, extracurricular activities and first jobs to
set you apart and build your experience. An internship is always good to have on a resume, multiple looks even better.

2. Be prepared – bring your  A-game, every step of the way

However, don’t just get an internship to put on your resume! Be prepared to take on the responsibilities that come with an internship. Prep your resume and tailor your cover letter to each company. Show you’re ready to bring your best to the interview process and beyond.

3. Find the best fit – choosing the right company

What do you want out of an internship? Look for experience and opportunities in an environment where you can push yourself and learn. Understand that at a smaller company, you may have more hands on work but less guidance than at a bigger company with more structure and guidelines. Know which works best for you.

4. Be open – don’t have a narrow mind when looking for internships

Additionally, there are a lot of good companies out there and they might not always be the big name companies that initially pop into your mind. Take the time to look for a company who has the right culture and opportunities for you! A smaller company with meaningful work may be better than a big company with coffee runs and making copies.

5. Take charge – don’t wait for an internship to come to you

Now is the time. An internship won’t fall into your lap, be proactive and look for opportunities. Set yourself up for success and then use your initiative once you get that job.

Once you have the internship, keep pushing yourself:

6. Take initiative – surpass their expectations

You’ve got the job, so don’t slack now! This is your time to show the company it was a good decision to hire you. Complete your internship objectives and ask for new projects.

7. Ask questions – look for feedback, find ways to improve

When completing projects, ask for feedback and constructive criticism. This is your best opportunity to find ways to improve your work and show your boss you want to better yourself and benefit the company.

8. Be responsive – after receiving feedback, apply the advice

Don’t just take listen to the feedback, apply it. Take the advice and lessons you’re being taught and learn ways to improve. Show your growth in your projects, make revisions and edits.

9. Focus – do the task at hand and avoid distractions

You were brought on for an important reason to help the company. Avoid texting and spending time on social networking sites.  Focus on your tasks and take mini breaks when need be. Your managers will notice your dedication to being cognitively present, not just physically present.

10. Push yourself – don’t do the bare minimum

Don’t use the internship requirements as a limit. This experience is whatever you make it. Take time to network, build your portfolio, and tell your supervisor if there is a portion of the business you’d like to learn. Bring new ideas to the table and make your internship purposeful, for you and the company.


At the end of your internship, you should be leaving feeling satisfied with the experience you gained. You will get as much from an internship as you put in. Go above and beyond, show your worth and work hard. You never know where your next career opportunity is going to come from, especially with internships.

What’s your advice to interns out there?

All the Best,

Jeff Beckham


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