July 05 2016

Do you remember the first time you were given freedom to decorate your own space? Whether it was your childhood bedroom or your first home, that space became uniquely yours. It served as both a function and a reflection of who you were. Office design has been reviewed and studied in recent years to show the benefits of having a space that reflects the company culture and serves as a functional space to spur productivity.

It’s no secret we spend hours at work; you’ve heard it from us and countless others. Your office becomes a second home. This is why having a space designed to fit your company is crucial to promoting your brand, encouraging your employees and overall fostering company success. Here are a couple things to keep in mind when designing a work-space:

Our conference room: using bright colors, functionality and live plants.

Office design & psychological well-being

Our surroundings impact how we feel and behave. If your work space affects employees positively, engagement and productivity will also increase. Encourage employees to take ownership of their
space. Having photos of friends, family and kids helps to motivate employees by reminding them why they’re working hard. This also allows employees take a psychological break from a stressful moment when they see these photos. It’s also important to remind employees that clutter is distracting, and an organized work-space encourages an organized workday.

Anyone can get stir-crazy in an office environment, so make sure to utilize color (even if you’re colorblind, like me), natural light and plants to create an engaging work-space. Utilize your physical office space to help maintain a positive work environment.

Our Kingsgate Culture: with words from our own employees!

Office design & displaying company culture

An office design that reflects the company’s values and culture reinforces the company’s mission. The space becomes a tangible example of what the company stands for, constantly reminding employees of what drives each of us. This not only inspires team work, but can increase work productivity and quality.

At Kingsgate, we’ve found that our space has been incredibly helpful in motivating employees and integrating them into our culture. We’ve emblazoned our mission, vision and core values on the walls of our office. By surround people with these beliefs helps remind them why our work is important, and their individual role in this work.

Having a carefully planned and healthy office improves employee happiness and drive, helping companies succeed.  How is your work-space designed to encourage you?



Feel free to check out Kingsgate’s Facebook page here for more photos of our office! Please like our page while you’re there!

All the best!

Jeff Beckham

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