June 24 2019This coming Friday is National Logistics Day, observed each year on June 28th to recognize the critical role the logistics industry plays in our national and global economies. Kingsgate has been in the transportation and logistics industry since 1986 and throughout our 30+ years in business, we’ve helped our customers ship products big and small.
We are honored to be a part of an industry that impacts almost every aspect of of our lives. From everything we touch, consume and use, to what we need to survive, or the things that are simply modern comforts… everything has at some point been a part of the supply chain. We asked our team their favorite part about working in logistics and here’s what they said:
1. “Building relationships is my favorite aspect of my career.” – Brittney W.
2. “What makes me proud is knowing that the industry is growing and changing rapidly, and I am a part of that growth and change.” – Colin L.
3. “Just about every company needs something moved somewhere, it’s cool to be part of that process.” – Luke K.
4. “I like knowing we are an integral part of our customer’s supply chain.” – Adam K.
5. “The logistics industry is complex and constantly moving. It’s integral to our economy and our ability to live and enjoy our lives; I learned that while working at Kingsgate.” – Hannah T.
Working in the logistics industry can be difficult, but there’s nothing more rewarding! We look forward to celebrating #NationalLogisticsDay on Friday with our team.
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham