September 17 2018On Friday, September 14th Hurricane Florence made landfall bringing over thirty inches of rain, displacements, and destruction. Although Florence has been downgraded to a tropical depression, the aftermath of this disaster is being felt around the nation. In this time, we need to remember all the first responders headed into the devastation to help those still in danger. Additionally, we can be grateful for the professional truck drivers who are bringing food, water, medical supplies, and other essentials to aid in North Carolina’s recovery.
Natural disasters always impact the transportation and logistics industry; see my blog from last year – click here. As I discussed in my previous blog, these disasters alter and shift the supply chain flow and trucks will be diverted from their typical activity to rebuilding efforts and disaster relief.
As a result, the FMCSA has eased on HOS limits and are giving drivers more flexibility as the nation adjusts to aiding in recovery. According to the FMCSA’s statement, “this emergency declaration is needed to address anticipated emergency conditions in the affected states and jurisdictions, creating a need for immediate transportation of supplies, equipment, and persons, and provides necessary relief.”
Now a tropical depression, the storm is far from over with the ongoing rainfall and waters rising. We expect for Florence to have an effect on the industry throughout the coming months of rebuilding and recovery. Kingsgate is proud to work in an industry so pivotal in the aid of those in need and we continue to send out thought to all those impacted by this devastation.
All the Best,
Jeff Beckham