May 30 2017

If you frequently read our blog, you know Kingsgate is recruiting to help grow our business. This is completely new to our company, and we’ve had some hits and misses. We’ve begun refining our recruiting process, and are now making hires every month.   Growth within an organization does not come without difficulties. We’re spending some time reflecting how we’ve handled these challenges to continue bettering our recruiting in the months and years to come.

Here are two problems we’ve faced and how we’ve successfully conquered them:

Reorganizing responsibilities

  • Challenge: Bringing on new people means managing a wider array of talent. To do this successfully, we need strong leadership for our newest and oldest employees.


  • Solution: Two years ago, we assembled our advisory board, an amazing group who has helped us navigate through the many changes our company is experiencing. When we began adding people to our team and doubling, then tripling in size, I reevaluated our leadership models. To this end, we have created more layers of management to better accommodate the needs of our growing team. We’ve additionally created new positions to shift responsibilities, and lessen the load on our management teams. These changes have ensured that Kingsgate employees always have a person they can reach out to if they are experiencing any problems or difficulties.

Maintaining culture

  • Challenge: We’ve always had a small business and team oriented environment at Kingsgate. As we add new people with varying personalities to the Kingsgate Family, we want to ensure they become part of this culture.


  • Solution: We walk every candidate around the office during the interview process to give them a general feel for the office and the people who work here. On their first day, employees are welcomed into the Kingsgate Family. They are introduced to every person in the company and educated on our open-door policy and close culture. From there we host internal employee engagement activities, such as Spirit weeks, company lunches and celebrations whenever we get the chance. These events are more than just a break from the day. They pull in employees from multiple departments and allow them the opportunity to get to know each other and see how they each work towards the same goal


Growth is difficult for any organization. It’s the responsibility of every manager and partner to ensure their company grows in a smart, successful way.

Thanks for reading! All the best,

Jeff Beckham

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