December 05 2016

Most companies provide their employees with periodic breaks throughout the day, and grant them half an hour to a full hour for lunch. Too many people skip these breaks to stay on task and to get more done throughout the day. In this week’s blog, I’d like to encourage you to take your breaks – it actually could make you more productive and help you retain information.

The importance of breaks is apparent, but utilizing your time during breaks is crucial. Here are seven ways to make your breaks more beneficial to your work day:

1. Take a walk – A simple way to get away from your computer screen and get a little exercise throughout the day.

2. Eat – Grabbing a brain-boosting snack or eating lunch can recharge you physically and allow your brain time to rest before tackling the second half of your work day.

3. Read – Sit down with a good book for a few minutes and allow yourself to leave your work behind. When you return to your desk, your day can feel brand new.

4. Watch a funny video – Watching something that will make you laugh can shift your mood and allow you to reassess how you tackle the rest of the day.

5. Listen to music – Listening to upbeat music or a song you have positive memories with can improve motor and reasoning skills.

6. Go outside – This is another way to get away from the computer screen and take a mental break. Additionally, getting fresh air will help improve focus and relieve stress.

7. Talk with a co-worker or friend (about non-work topics) – Getting your mind off work and having a conversation with someone will give you an actual break from what’s going on back at your desk.

Everything listed above can be done in 15 minutes or less. Breaks can help improve your productivity throughout the day and will help you mentally recharge. In order to put your best foot forward and do your best work, make sure you are taking care of yourself. Your employer will thank you for it!

All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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