October 24 2016

This week is the last in our month-long celebration of Kingsgate’s 30th year. The last blog in our “Second Generation series” features my own thoughts and my wife, Julie’s. Up first, my beautiful wife, who talks even less than David (if only it was like that at home).

Position in the company? Owning Partner


What department do you operate? Collections

How long have you worked for the Company? 20 years


1. What is it like to work with your Siblings (or sibling-in-laws)? In what ways do you feel support from your family?

Lots of joking and fun adds interest to the day – it’s never boring.

2. Describe watching your parents (or in-laws) found Kingsgate.

It was always fun working with my father-in-law. He was helpful in collections and would tease me about how his silly ideas to collect – but I can’t really divulge!

3. What was the biggest change in the company (other than ownership) in the past 30 years?

The biggest change is the growth we have experienced and how it has changed the company dynamic. We were accustomed to just a few of us and now there are so many, including many personalities as well. I think there is a great sense of enthusiasm and change can be a good thing.

4. What was the best lesson your parents (or in-laws) taught you in the establishing and owning of Kingsgate?

The best lesson learned is that with hard work, anything is achievable. When starting Kingsgate, Merry and Tom poured everything they had into the company. They set an amazing example for us when we took over the business.

5. If there was one thing you could thank your parents (or in-laws) for what would it be?

I would thank them for their vision, encouragement and support.


My turn…


Position in the company? Owning Partner

What department do you operate? I manage all aspects of the company

How long have you worked for the Company? 30 years in November


1. What is it like to work with your siblings (or sibling-in-laws)? In what ways do you feel support from your family?

It’s horrible. I hate them! – Just kidding, it is incredibly rewarding to work with my brother, sister, and wife. Sure, it can come with its challenges, but we all get along so well and have a mutual respect that allows us to move the company forward even when we may not always agree on direction and strategy. We can freely express thoughts and ideas in a way that always puts the company’s best interests in every decision we make. There’s a safety net in having one another to lean on when times are difficult, personally or professionally, and the peace of mind that brings is incredible.

2. Describe watching your parents (or in-laws) found Kingsgate.

Well, I was there for the entire journey. While I started six weeks after the company was founded, I was there for many of the conversations around starting a brokerage business, the challenges they would face and how were they going to fund the start-up. I understood the angst and apprehension, but I also saw a fortitude that they would do this and sink or swim together. Seeing my parents make this commitment to one another is a lesson I’ve held onto ever since. It frames how I approach working with Amy, David, and Julie; we are in this together, and we will overcome struggles and celebrate successes the same way – together. Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno… all for one, one for all!

3. What was the biggest change in the company (other than ownership) in the past 30 years?

The advancement in technology has certainly been mind boggling. But the most significant difference I see is how we embrace company culture and our team.  Don’t get me wrong; my parents cared deeply about their employees. But they felt if they paid a fair wage and provided good benefits, they were taking care of their employees. I remember my dad telling me if his employees had peace of mind at home, they could give him a better day’s work.

Today we embrace culture in a different way. The staples of strong compensation and great benefits remain, but now the culture is one that is much more inclusive. We emphasize a culture of connectivity where each member of the team knows his or her role in the company’s success in serving our customers and reaching profitability. We encourage an open-door policy where anyone on the team has direct access to their manager and ownership. We spend resources and time in building, improving and maintaining culture. 


During the week, our team spends as many awakened hours with us as they do at home. We want this to be their second home and work hard to make them feel that way.

4. What was the best lesson your parents (or in-laws) taught you in the establishing and owning of Kingsgate?

I remember a time when my dad and I were out on his boat. I had been running the company for about four years, and I asked him why he didn’t have a ton of advice or direction on what to do. He replied, “[Y]ou’ve been doing fine without my interference, keep doing what you’re doing.  Just make sure our taxes get paid, and if we have anything left, make sure we share and make sure we give back.”  We’ve remained faithful to that advice to this day.

5. If there was one thing you could thank your parents (or in-laws) for what would it be?

Without a doubt, it would be that they trusted me. They trusted me to run their company, and they trusted us enough to sell it to my siblings, Julie and me.  I used to laugh and tease that Kingsgate was my dad’s fourth child. That he (and our mom) entrusted her to me – I will be forever grateful.


In addition to thanking my parents, I want to thank YOU: our blog readers, customers and supporters. We wouldn’t have reached this success without your help! We certainly are proud of all we’ve achieved in the past 30 years and look forward to all the success in our future. Make sure to follow along!

All the Best,

Jeff Beckham

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